Latin America and Caribbean
Not stated.
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
The revised and expanded version of the NAP consists of 13 chapters that contain the general and specific adaptation and mitigation guidelines for each sector of the country, with the purpose of guiding the action of Guatemalan society to increase its resilience to the effects of climate change.
Not stated.
Put into effect the relevant national and international instruments that address climate change.
Guide public institutions and other state sectors that work to address climate change on the actions to be implemented in the short, medium, and long term.
Guide the development of strategic institutional planning documents and define priorities for sectoral, land use, and institutional planning.
Define the prioritization criteria for public investments linked to actions aimed at reducing vulnerability and promoting adaptation to climate change.
Define priorities for international cooperation.
The document provides an overview of the context, principles, and cross-cutting issues, followed by a description of adaptation actions and information on finance and monitoring & evaluation. It also covers mitigation.
Not stated
Data reflects NAPs submitted to the UNFCCC as of 28/02/2025
* The list of NAPs on the UNFCCC’s NAP Central includes sector-specific NAPs from Uruguay for four sectors (agriculture, cities and infrastructure, energy, and coastal sectors). Sector-specific NAPs are not included in the analysis as we are focusing on multi-sector NAP documents.
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