NAP Trends is supported by a database of information on NAP documents that was created and is maintained by the NAP Global Network Secretariat. It is periodically updated to reflect information from new NAPs submitted to the UNFCCC.
The information in the database is based on a review of NAP documents only—at this time, we do not include other documents that countries may have produced through their NAP processes, such as sector-specific adaptation plans, implementation strategies, or resource mobilization strategies, because reviews of these documents would require a different methodology. Any reference to NAPs within the platform refers to the multi-sector NAP documents that have been submitted to the UNFCCC.
The information presented is based on systematic reviews of NAP documents using a combination of word searches and analysis of relevant sections. In order to track the trends, we have systematized the information as much as possible. In some cases, we refer to mentions of a particular term, concept, or instrument—this means that it came up in a word search of the NAP document. In others, we discuss the context of the reference, showing how it is used in the documents—for example, for gender, we discuss whether it is used as a guiding principle, priority sector or adaptation action, cross-cutting issue, or goal of the plan. It is important to note that these different options are not mutually exclusive—countries may address a particular issue in more than one way in their NAPs. For some issues, we also look at specific details about how the issue is addressed—for example, by identifying the specific actors targeted with capacity development.
We aim to adopt a consistent approach across all document reviews; however, given the unique ways in which countries have structured their NAP documents and how the information is presented, there is some degree of subjectivity in aspects of the analysis. Further, while we endeavour to present the information as accurately as possible, you are encouraged to consult the original NAP documents on NAP Central when precise language or specific details are needed.
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Data reflects NAPs submitted to the UNFCCC as of
* The list of NAPs on NAP Central includes a sector-specific NAP for agriculture from Uruguay—this was not included in the analysis as we are focusing on multi-sector NAP documents.
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