  • Droughts
  • Floods
  • Sea level rise
  • Storms, hurricanes, cyclones
  • Seasonal shifts
  • Changes in precipitation patterns
  • Heatwaves
  • Wildfires
  • Other: ocean acidification; changes in marine currents; ocean temperature rise; atmospheric temperature rise


Adaptation priorities

Increase the health system’s capacity to provide healthcare and prevent disease in the face of climate variability and climate change.

Conserve, restore, and manage the country’s marine and coastal resources in a sustainable and holistic way through the implementation of actions to adapt to climate change and reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.

Increase the production of food (of animal and vegetable origin) through the implementation of adaptation actions to decrease the vulnerability of families affected by the impacts of climate change and guarantee their food and nutritional security.

Conserve, protect, restore, and make sustainable use of the forest resources and biodiversity found in Guatemala with the aim of adapting to climate change.

Improve and build vital social infrastructure (basic sanitation systems) and strategic infrastructure (schools, roads, bridges, hospitals, etc.) considering the following in their design: climate variability, risk management and vulnerability, and land use plans.

Manage the country’s water resources sustainably through river basin conservation to guarantee that Guatemala’s population can access water; this maintains the consumption of these resources for economic use, controls contamination in these resources, and reduces their vulnerability to climate variability and climate change.

Develop the capacities needed to respond to the forced displacement of people due to the impacts of climate change.

# of cross-sectoral or strategic priorities


Cross-sectoral or strategic priorities

Ensure all new climate-related decisions and actions are consistent to avoid overlap and duplicating efforts.

Develop climate actions in compliance with specific safeguards outlined in national and international legislation.

Ensure compliance with the Framework Law to Regulate the Reduction of Vulnerability, the Obligatory Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Change, and the Mitigation of the Greenhouse Effect by following up with the Immediate Action Plan.

Create and strengthen enabling mechanisms including legislation, policies, and plans.

Gather data to identify priority actions and to inform any actions implemented to address climate change.

Build and strengthen the capacities of relevant institutions to support the implementation of the National Action Plan on Climate Change, champion the country’s priority action areas in international negotiations, and generate relevant documentation.

Create a research system that complies with the requirements outlined by existing institutional structures.

Create a National Information System dedicated to Climate Change which will include information needed for National Communications on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, vulnerability, and climate adaptation.

Promote and facilitate actions to share information, raise awareness, and educate about the impacts of climate change and climate variability to foster conscious and proactive public participation.

# of Specific Adaptation Actions Identified


Guiding Principles for the NAP Process
  • Ecosystem based, environmentally sustainable
  • guided by Traditional and Indigenous Knowledge
  • participatory
  • Other: precautionary; polluter pays and rehabilitates; carrying capacity
Use of Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge

Data reflects NAPs submitted to the UNFCCC as of

* The list of NAPs on NAP Central includes a sector-specific NAP for agriculture from Uruguay—this was not included in the analysis as we are focusing on multi-sector NAP documents.

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