NAP Trends, an initiative of the NAP Global Network, aims to share key information on NAPs to make it easy for the adaptation community to access. The platform provides concise summaries of the information in NAP documents, as well as analyses of trends across countries. It is based on systematic reviews of the documents available on NAP Central, the portal for NAPs that have been communicated to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
For more information on the NAP process and what it involves, please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Currently, the platform presents information for NAPs submitted to the UNFCCC as of January 31, 2025 .*
Data reflects NAPs submitted to the UNFCCC as of
* The list of NAPs on the UNFCCC’s NAP Central includes sector-specific NAPs from Uruguay for four sectors (agriculture, cities and infrastructure, energy, and coastal sectors). Sector-specific NAPs are not included in the analysis as we are focusing on multi-sector NAP documents.
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