
This section provides an overview of trends in key themes that are important for the effectiveness of NAP processes. Click on the icons at the top to view the analysis for the different themes.


# of NAPs that identify priority sectors


Average # of priority sectors identified

Agriculture, crops, livestock, and/or food security56Water and/or sanitation53Health53Ecosystems, biodiversity, environment, and/or natural resources46Energy30Urban, human settlements, and/or housing35Transport20Tourism25Forestry26Coastal19Infrastructure34Gender and social inclusion or social protection12Disaster risk management and reduction14Science, climate information, technology, innovation, and/or research and development6Fisheries22Mining and/or oil and gas7Education11Industry, manufacturing, etc.9Trade and/or finance7Other170102030405060

# of NAPs that identify specific sectors as priorities

Data reflects NAPs submitted to the UNFCCC as of

* The list of NAPs on the UNFCCC’s NAP Central includes sector-specific NAPs from Uruguay for four sectors (agriculture, cities and infrastructure, energy, and coastal sectors). Sector-specific NAPs are not included in the analysis as we are focusing on multi-sector NAP documents.

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