
Here you can explore key trends in how NAP documents are structured and how they address different aspects of the NAP process. Click on the icons at the top to explore the elements you are interested in.

Communications and Information Sharing

# of NAPs that mention capacity development

37Included as cross-sectoral or strategic priority14Dedicated section53Integrated throughout document17Included as adaptation priority9Other

Context for reference(s) to capacity development (# of NAPs)

NAP coordinating ministry42Sector ministries55Ministry of finance or other responsible for budgeting and resource allocation26Sub-national authorities39Government service providers28Civil society organizations30Private sector actors34Communities/local actors47Researchers/academic community25Other180102030405060

# of NAPs that target specific actors for capacity development

Data reflects NAPs submitted to the UNFCCC as of

* The list of NAPs on the UNFCCC’s NAP Central includes sector-specific NAPs from Uruguay for four sectors (agriculture, cities and infrastructure, energy, and coastal sectors). Sector-specific NAPs are not included in the analysis as we are focusing on multi-sector NAP documents.

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